
Helpful Homeschool Poems for Samuel [Snow and Barber, barber]

I like to write short poems and stories for Samuel to read during our homeschool days (just like this one). We learned about the phonogram ‘ow’ this week. ‘Ow’ makes the sound ow, as in, “Get into bed now!” ‘Ow’ also says oh, as in, “My kids grow so fast.” I wrote this poem for Samuel as we studied our ows and ohs.

The silent snow falls down;
It covers the streets,
In soft white sheets,
All over the sleepy town.

We also spent time this week memorizing this funny poem from The Real Mother Goose.

Barber, barber, shave a pig,
How many hairs will make a wig?
Four and twenty, that’s enough.
Give the barber a pinch of snuff.

(I typed that from memory. Aren’t you impressed?!)


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