• Devotionals

    Jeremiah 8

    During my Bible study time yesterday, I read these verses from Jeremiah 8: Even the stork in the heavensknows her times,and the turtledove, swallow, and cranekeep the the time of their coming,but my people know notthe rules of the LORD. I like that these verses show God’s loving care over the world He created, and I also like how they reinforce that it is God who directs nature for His glory and our encouragement. In the case of these verses, God is admonishing the Israelites rather than encouraging them. I do, however, think that you can infer from these verses that we as God’s people are to follow His guidance…

  • Poems

    For Friendship

    The friends I meet along the way,may walk with me today, all day,and leave tomorrow with the sun,a closeness all too soon undone. The friends I meet along the way,may walk with me for many days,may friendship grow and blossom more,as strong as waves upon the shore. The time to me doesn’t matter much,I keep you close beside my heart.The time that counts is now at hand,to enjoy our ways before they part. And may they never part.