
Piles: A Poem for Exasperated Moms

Piles and piles
And piles galore,
Piles all over the floor

My son came home
And stacked up a pile
Of papers returned that day

My daughter stayed home
And built many piles
Of delightful, five-year-old play

The man of the house
Stores his socks in a heap;
I imagine things I’ll never say

Really, they’re all heathens!
But me?
I’m perfect in every way

Piles and piles
And piles galore,
Piles all over the floor


This post also includes something special! I had a good friend mention to me earlier this year that including an audio reading of blog posts, articles, etc. is becoming more popular online and allows more people to access information.

So, without further introduction, here’s me, reading my poem out loud to you. I hope you enjoy the melodic sound of my voice as you consider your own feelings about piles:

Piles: A Poem for Exasperated Moms

Photo: Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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