
Classical Conversations: Cycle 1, Week 20

This felt like a particularly fun week to me, I think because we did extra work in both music and science, two of my favorite subjects. In my class, we used songs to learn most of our New Grammar. I got out a poster I made earlier this year called the “Dynamic Cake,” which I used to demonstrate the different dynamics in music from pianissimo at the top (the smallest layer, or “quietest” layer) to fortissimo at the bottom (the biggest, or “loudest” layer). We practiced singing in different volumes for our Latin 3rd Declension Noun Endings.

As a community, we studied Handel’s Water Music Suite during Fine Arts, and then used this amazing hands-on, crafty project to study Earth’s geosphere and atmosphere during Science. (I think Samuel’s project, pictured above, turned out especially cute!)

Below you will find the music for our science grammar this week, to the tune of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” and a copy of my lesson plans. Enjoy!

Science Wk 20


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