
Day Is Dying in the West

These beautiful words come from Mary A. Lathbury. They remind me of the first part of Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” Everything on this earth belongs to the Lord. He manages this world with authority and grace, and upholds the universe with His might and wisdom. The “deepening shadows” may fall, but God remains, unchanged, forever. Someday the shadows will end, and a bright, new, eternal morning will rise. Praise God!

Day Is Dying in the West

Day is dying in the west;
Heav’n is touching earth with rest;
Wait and worship while the night
Sets her evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.

While the deepening shadows fall,
Light of light on whom we call
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil they face,
Our hearts ascend.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising thee,
O Lord Most High.

And when fading from our sight,
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of glory on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise
And shadows end.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising thee,
O Lord Most High.

The Music

In the hymnal we use at our church, these words go with the tune Evening Praise by Willaim F. Sherwin. I always get excited when hymns in the hymnal include chords to go with the music, so I played these chords directly from the hymnal without changing anything. This is by no means a perfect recording, but I really do look forward to planning and recording these projects. I hope you’re enjoying listening in and, finding encouragement, too!

Day Is Dying in the West


  • Gail Myers

    Hannah, this was a beautiful song – the words and the music. Really enjoyed it. And you’re getting so good on the ukelele – I loved the little instrumental you put in there.

  • Kelsey

    Sis! This post reminds me of the end of The Last Battle when Aslan ends the “shadow” of Narnia and allows his people to enter the True Narnia. Come further up and further in! Ahhhhhh. Someday we will get there, too 🙂 And I love the music. Will you play the Lava Song next?? 🙂

    • Hannah

      Yes! So many beautiful things from Narnia. Those books probably influenced me more than I realize! Its so good to remember that this world is not all there is. I will play the Lava Song next, for you!

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