Life updates

Having Fun with My New Old Apple Pencil

Sometimes you find a new tool that completely changes the way you create. That’s exactly how I feel about my new Apple Pencil, generously gifted to me by a sweet young friend of mine who happened to have an old one in her catch-all kitchen drawer. So far, I’ve used the stylus to turn my original compositions into lead sheets and piano/vocal sheet music (using Sibelius, a music notation app) and also to practice my drawing skills. My drawings tend to be fun and goofy, and I thought you all might enjoy seeing some of them on this dreary Wednesday.


Ruthie and I worked on this drawing together. She drew the frosting and cherry on the cupcake with the purple bottom, and also helped me pick out the colors.


This is Steve. Hi, Steve! I drew Steve when my same sweet young friend was teaching me how to draw human faces with the correct proportions. Steve is pleased to meet you.

Old(er) Man Sleeping in His Favorite Chair

I won’t say who this is a picture of, but I will say he’s one of the classiest, wisest, kindest fathers I know. He deserves to take as many late afternoon naps in his favorite chair as he’d like to take.


This is my favorite drawing. I like to imagine that the angel fish and the cleaner shrimp are good friends. Also, if you look closely at the shrimp, he has a moustache.


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