
Garbage Cans and Apple Blossoms: A Poem for Young Readers

We are under a wind advisory here in the Midwest. The gusts of wind have been so strong these last couple hours that I can feel the house shaking. I went out a little while ago to rescue the garbage cans. One of them was blowing across the frozen snow, and the other had gotten stuck in a ditch at the end of our driveway. The wind was grabbing pieces of recycling out of it and hurling them into the air. I hid the garbage cans along the east side of our house, out of the wind and safe for the time being. Praise God for sturdy houses and functioning furnaces.

On another windy day a couple weeks ago, I wrote the following poem. I hope you enjoy this windy-day poem for young readers.

Garbage Cans and Apple Blossoms

The wind that knocks the garbage cans around
Is the same wind that ripples the lake without a sound;
The wind that rattles the gutters and shakes the pane
Is the same wind that scatters apple blossoms ’round the lane;
I don’t understand why it vacillates so,
Except winter must make the young winds grow.

Photos: Artur Luczak on Unsplash; the view from my front porch


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