
How to Combat That Frumpy Feeling

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, “Oh my goodness, do I look frumpy. I’m not a young person anymore. I’ve gained a few extra pounds and my clothes don’t really fit right. I feel out-of-date and out-of-touch.” I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought this about myself. Getting older, and having two children besides that, really does change how you feel about your appearance! The following ideas helped me combat this frumpy feeling.

Exercise. Exercise makes a huge difference in how I feel about myself. God designed our bodies to be used, not stuffed into a chair all day. Take a walk, lift some weights, or do some jumping jacks. My very generous parents bought me a fitness trampoline for Christmas a few years ago, which I keep in the basement to jump on at random times during the day. Sometimes, Samuel and I put on our boxing gloves and “fight” until we get tired. Find an activity you enjoy, and get moving!

Eat until you feel satisfied, not stuffed. I feel much worse about my appearance when I overeat. Overeating is a sin I’ve committed my entire life, but I didn’t realize how much food enslaved me until I became an adult. Sin affects our hearts, and that feeling of defeat carries over into our outside appearance. Anyone who struggles with overeating knows what it feels like to have given in again. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and pray for self-control.

Buy clothes that fit. This might seem like an obvious idea, but up until last year I wore clothes that were about two sizes two small for me. My aunt once told me, “Anyone can look good, as long as they wear the right clothes!” She’s so right. Buy the clothes that actually fit you, not clothes that you want to fit you. We honor God when we take care of ourselves, and that includes knowing how to find clothes that fit properly.

Most importantly, read your Bible! You will never be able to combat that frumpy feeling until you know who you are in Christ. We don’t have to be up-to-date on the latest fashions or completely in-touch with what’s going on in the world. Rather, we must walk with Christ, being “rooted and built up in him and established in faith…abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:7). Only Jesus can rightly define who we are: sinners saved by His grace, loved by God, ensured by the Holy Spirit. When we rely on Him as our hope, we have nothing to fear from the world.


  • Kelsey

    “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30. The world’s idea of beauty and God’s idea of beauty are in conflict. I think you (HANNAH) are eternally beautiful not because of what you look like, but because of who you are, and your faith in God. I look at you and think Hannah is so beautiful! She has large green eyes that I am jealous of, hair that looks cute in a bun and I like your face shape far better than mine. I watch you care for your children, husband and household, and I know that you have a strong faith in the Lord. Those are the most beautiful things about you. And those things don’t sag as you get older 🙂

    • Hannah

      Love you, Kels! You are eternally beautiful, too. You take good care of everyone around you, and are lovely both inside and out. God uses you to teach people about His love, and that is wonderful!

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