Essays,  Kelsey


This is a guest post from my sister, Kelsey. Kelsey has her Master’s Degree in Social Work and mentors new social workers while coordinating case managers. She recently decided to go back to school to learn ASL so she can better assist her clients. In her free time, Kelsey likes to read, write, exercise outdoors, and study the Bible.


Sometimes sitting and waiting on a response from God is the hardest calling we will ever have. This helps us grow a very valuable fruit of the Spirit. The NIV calls it forbearance; the ESV calls it patience; but throughout my life I’ve know the best interpretation to be the KJV’s: longsuffering. [1]

Fruits of the Spirit grow during times of trial and longsuffering. The Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years [2], Jesus was tempted in the desert 40 days and 40 nights [3], Abraham did not have a son born to him until he was 100 years old [4] and Hannah waited many painful years for a child [5].

These situations required more than patience. They were a time of longsuffering where God said “wait” in order to sanctify and draw those near to him. Do not despise longsuffering. It means God is at work. God will answer prayers in His time, in His way. God knows our hearts and knows what we need when we need it [6].

In the end, the Israelites gained the Promised Land, Jesus overcame temptation, sin, and death, Abraham was blessed with a son, and Hannah was blessed with a child. These situations were not without suffering, before and after God’s answer to prayer, but God used the suffering of these faithful saints for His glory and their good. Without Jesus’ suffering, we could not be saved. Rest assured, God hears our prayers, and works the outcome for our good and His glory, too.

God is always working, and He knows exactly what we need.

[1] Galatians 5:22
[2] Deuteronomy 8:24
[3] Matthew 4:2
[4] Genesis 21
[5] 1 Samuel 1
[6] Psalm 139, Isaiah 55:9-11


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