
Take Care of Yourself

I’ve had a number of people tell me recently to “take care of myself.” This also seems to be a phrase I hear fairly often, especially in relation to motherhood. Lately I’ve come to the realization that I have no idea what this means! How do I take care of myself?!

Do I get to watch as much Netflix as I want to when Samuel is asleep?

Do I make sure to get enough sleep? Eat healthy? Exercise?

Do I try to set aside “me time” every day? (By the way, for a busy mom, what exactly is “me time?” Does it mean I get to use the bathroom uninterrupted by a toddler?)

I’m certainly not rejecting the idea of “taking care of myself,” but I’m just not sure what people mean when they say this! I think that getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising on a regular basis, and especially reading the Bible and praying every day are all good ways to take care of yourself. They will all better prepare you to face motherhood (or anything!) with energy, joy, and reliance on the Lord. However, I get the sense that when people tell you to “take care of yourself” they mean something a little different than the more basic things I listed above.

So, I’m asking you this question: How do you take care of yourself?! I’d really like to know!

See Part II here:

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