
Happy and Thankful

What makes you really happy?

I once read an article by Randy Alcorn reminding readers that happiness is an attribute of God. God certainly isn’t happy when we sin, and He mourns with us as we face trials and suffering. God disciplines those He loves, which means that sometimes we feel uncomfortable as He reveals our sin to us and shows us how to live in a way that honors Him. God doesn’t desire our happiness above everything else, but He does desire that we always find joy in Him. And, we can always find joy in Him. He happily exists as the eternal Trinity in perfect community and love.

God gives us good gifts to enjoy as we find joy in Him.

I look forward to making espresso every morning. I search for the best dark roast espresso and then figure out which grind setting keeps the natural oils locked in. I feel happy when I hand-tamp and pull a shot with a deep, dark brown center topped by thick creme. I enjoy my espresso with cream and hazelnut or salted caramel.

I feel really happy when I play a song on my ukulele perfectly, when the notes I sing blend together in harmony with the chords I strum and my fingers move swiftly enough to make all the chord changes on time. I can praise God while I learn how to play a new instrument.

I enjoy when a crisp, fall breeze blows my hair around my face and shakes loose the bright orange and red leaves on the trees. Busy birds and squirrels gather seeds from our feeder and the kids and I run around the yard in cozy sweatshirts without getting overheated. Fall in the Midwest is the most beautiful time of the year, and fall makes me feel really happy.

Lesson planning makes me feel really happy, especially when I plan a lesson from the Bible. I delight in the orderliness and organization of lesson planning, and thank God for the opportunity to both learn from and teach His Word. What a joy to know and love the Creator of the universe, and to share about His truth, mercy, and grace with others.

My children bring me so much joy. I feel the most happy when I look into their eyes and laugh along with them, no matter how much silliness happens afterwards. Samuel’s amber-brown eyes look at the world with wonder, curiosity, and thoughtfulness. Ruthie’s crystal-blue eyes sparkle with fun and maybe a little mischief.

God gave us the best gift in His son Jesus Christ. Without Jesus’ death on the cross, we would languish in our sin. Without His resurrection, we would have no future hope. Jesus brings us hope, joy, and rest; He brings us salvation and righteousness. We may not always feel happy, but we can always find happiness in Jesus.

Let’s enjoy all the good gifts God gives us, always remembering that only Jesus can make us really, truly, eternally happy.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us espresso, music, fall, lesson planning, Scripture, children, and Jesus Christ, our Savior!


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