
More Read-Aloud Poems for Early Readers

In this post and this post, I shared poems that I wrote for Samuel to read and memorize. Here are a few more poems for early readers like Samuel to read aloud!

I wrote the following poem when we learned that words ending in ‘ay’ say A. Words including ‘ai’ also say A, but English words do not end with the letter ‘i’. We practiced reading words like pay and paid, lay and laid. We also discussed how the word ‘says’ and ‘said’ make the ‘ay’ and the ‘ai’ sound like the ‘e’ in the word ‘pet’.

My dog can run.
He runs all day.
He sits in the sun,
Then runs away.

I wrote this poem when we talked about words ending in ‘ll’. We also practiced reading words that end in ‘ow’ and ‘ay’.

The snow fell all day;
It fell on the hill,
It fell in my way,
But I kept walking still.

I wrote this last poem when we learned how to read ‘ing’ and ‘tch’. We also reviewed ‘ay’ and ‘ll’. Samuel likes silly poems, so he enjoyed this poem very much.

She says, “Scratch my back!”
He says, “Scratch my nose.”
Sally did a jumping jack,
And landed on her toes.

Photo: Raquel Garcia on Unsplash


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