• Danielle,  Essays

    The Cozy Season

    This post was written by my friend, Danielle Roberts. Danielle and I knew each other back in high school, and recently reconnected after discovering that we had attended the same church for a while, just at different services. Danielle is a wife and mom of 4. She helps burntout mom business owners make room for rest through productivity. She is the host of the podcast Created for This and author of the Christian devotional of the same name. She and her family love to travel, be outdoors in beautiful Wisconsin, and curl up with a good book. You can connect with her on Instagram @danielle.m.roberts. By the way, I wrote…

  • Poems

    Welcome Autumn and Winter and Cozy Family Gatherings

    This poem took me a couple months to write. I started working on it after a walk in the fields with Luna, in which I noticed all the different flowers that were going dormant for the winter. They really do look beautiful, even as their time in this season ends. I think I got stuck in the middle of the poem because I didn’t know exactly where to go with the rest of the stanzas. I wrote the first stanza one day, the second stanza the next day, the first two lines of the third stanza a couple weeks later, made a lot of edits, and then finally finished the…

  • Poems

    The Edge of the Season

    I was out walking a few days ago and noticed how everything around our house has changed. The woods don’t look lush and new anymore, but rather old and tired. The leaves on the aspens are starting to turn yellow, and the fields around us resemble toasted marshmallows. Grasshoppers startle us as we walk through the grass, and the song of the cicada thrums through the air. Fall is just around the corner. We start school in less than three weeks. Where did the summer go? Here is another new poem for you to enjoy, along with a few more photos from around our yard, including one of the biggest…

  • Essays

    Taking Different Paths Through the Woods and Following God’s Will

    “Mom, follow me,” Samuel said, as he ducked below a tangle of branches too low for me to crawl underneath. Gray autumn clouds covered the sky like a sheet and the steady drip of branches filled the woods like music. The air around me felt damp, heavy with moisture, and I could feel the frizz from my hair sticking to my neck. I was starting to get sweaty. “Samuel, I don’t think I can follow you under there,” I replied. I elected to walk through a small grove of fir trees with mangy branches that stuck out like wheel spokes. I gently moved them to the side and hoped a…

  • Stories

    A Special Autumn Trip Up North

    A few weekends ago, I did something I haven’t done since high school: I spent a weekend up at the cabin, along with Brian and the kids, during the month of October. It was beautiful, with the leaves changing and falling, the quiet lake, and the damp autumn air. We arrived at the cabin late in the evening on Friday, unpacked the van, and put the kids to bed. The air smelled like fresh rain and moisture dripped from the trees in tiny, sparkling beads. My parents always say that the cool fall nights up at the cabin make for “good sleeping weather,” and I absolutely agree. It was so…