
Jesus Is the Answer…to Anxiety and Depression

Last Thursday, I spoke at our local college campus’s weekly Cru meeting as part of a series called “Jesus Is the Answer…” I felt so encouraged to see many students who love the Lord and desire to see His glory displayed on campus. I know sometimes people think younger generations are hopeless, but I saw abundant hope in this group of young people. What a blessing to see God at work! Thank you Cru staff and team for inviting me to speak. I’d love to come back again sometime.

Below you’ll find the extra thoughts I added to the presentation as I talked (with the same headings as the slides) and a copy of my PowerPoint presentation. Don’t forget, you can contact me through the Facebook link in the upper right hand corner or through the “Contact” menu if you have any questions!

About Me
I told the group a little bit about me and my family, including that I majored in Secondary Education/Broadfield Science at the same college and that we currently homeschool. Also, my “fun facts” were that we keep chickens and I worked on the set of a couple movies.

My Story
I used to believe Christians could not struggle with depression or anxiety, but God thankfully changed my mind about this when I entered college and as I worked through postpartum depression/anxiety (PPD/A). I reminded the group that it’s okay to feel anxious and depressed, as long as you don’t give in to those feelings and forget that your hope is in Christ.

How are anxiety and depression similar?
We are not victims of our emotions; we have victory in Christ! The general effects of sin in the world can cause depression and anxiety, but so can specific sins in your life that you refuse to repent of.

How else does Jesus answer anxiety and depression?
During my bout with PPD/A, I truly learned what relying on God means. I experienced moments where all I knew was that God held me in His hands; everything else seemed confusing and dark. God carries our burdens with us rather than taking them away.

Encouraging Bible Verses
You won’t necessarily feel any different after you read these verses, but practice in applying these truths to your life will eventually make a difference. God’s Word is living and active [1].

Practical Ideas that Helped Me
Five second rule: breath in for five seconds, hold for five seconds, breath out for five seconds, then take two normal breaths. Lay down in a comfortable spot and use this time to recite Bible verses to yourself.

Be aware of your environment, such as noises, colors, and smells. God calls us to live in the moments He gives us, not yesterday or tomorrow. I shared which activities help me relax: writing, writing music, playing piano, singing, listening to music, and reading.

More Practical Ideas
Also write down on your note cards the names of people who love and support you, and the names of those you could call for help. I noted that I write notes in my Bible (this helps me connect different verses and ideas) and I encouraged the group to memorize Bible verses, including the ones on their note cards. Carry them with you wherever you go!

[1] Hebrews 4:12


  • Kelsey

    Thank you for sharing this sis! You are a brave soul. I like how you said, “God calls us to live in the moments He gives us, not yesterday or tomorrow. ” When I am present, it is amazing how much more peaceful I feel, and how much more aware I am of God’s presence and the many blessings He has given me.

  • Gail Myers

    Indeed, Hannah, you are very brave like Kelsey said. I am so thankful that God holds us in our deepest trials as He held you and continues to do so. He is our light in the darkness and He promised to never leave us or forsake us. We have to hold on to that – where else would we go…but to our Creator and our loving Father. Thank you for sharing these things. I trust God will use you to be an inspiration to many others.

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