• Life updates

    Happy Thanksgiving {Weekend}

    Dear Readers, Thank you for following Teacher by Nature for another year! I’m so thankful for all of you, and it is such an encouragement and a joy to write for you. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, and if the holiday season is more challenging for you than anything else, I pray that you would find rest in the peace of God through Jesus, which surpasses all understanding. We had a fun day with my family. Our menu consisted of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans with bacon and mushrooms, butternut squash soup, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, and sugar cookies. After…

  • Danielle,  Essays

    The Cozy Season

    This post was written by my friend, Danielle Roberts. Danielle and I knew each other back in high school, and recently reconnected after discovering that we had attended the same church for a while, just at different services. Danielle is a wife and mom of 4. She helps burntout mom business owners make room for rest through productivity. She is the host of the podcast Created for This and author of the Christian devotional of the same name. She and her family love to travel, be outdoors in beautiful Wisconsin, and curl up with a good book. You can connect with her on Instagram @danielle.m.roberts. By the way, I wrote…

  • Poems

    Beneath the Starry Skies

    Many years agoWhen I was young and mildI found my place beneath the starsI was such a timid child With a flashlight in my hand,I’d scramble down to the dockAfraid I might meet a hungry bear,Afraid someone might hear me talk I’d whisper tales to the glitterStrewn in the blackening skyTiny, blooming flowers of lightAcross the lake they’d lie And still I walk underneath them,(But I am older now)Through fields of snowy asters,And I wonder–how? How can God take a dream,One persistent part of me,Grow it into something good, andBless me with this sweet reality? With a flashlight in my hand,I cross the dewy lawn,Past the rabbit in his cage,He…

  • Essays

    On Getting Bored with the Internet

    Something has been gnawing at me the last couple weeks. For years, I’ve followed Tim Challies’ website. I really enjoy his “A La Carte” posts, in which he shares articles from around the internet that he’s read and appreciated. Usually when I check out his “A La Carte” posts, I find at least a couple articles that interest me as well. Lately, however, I haven’t been able to find any. I’ve increasingly felt like I’ve read them all before, even though they’re labeled ‘new.’ The internet, in general, doesn’t seem to be holding my attention like it used to (except Facebook, which drives me crazy). I’ve seen it all before,…

  • Songs

    The King of Love My Shepherd Is {New Music Monday}

    This is going to be a quick New Music Monday introduction! Today is our last day before school starts, and I’m enjoying my last few moments with the kids, just us together. Brian and I are helping lead the hymns at school this year. We made this video to help the other teachers lead as well, and for families to use to practice at home. This is Brian’s video debut here at Teacher by Nature. How exciting! I hope you enjoy our recording of The King of Love My Shepherd Is, based on Psalm 23.